sign up
29th and 30th of October
Youth Showcase Competition - Emporia
The First Step Rookie Battle - Arena 305
1st and 2nd of November
Showcase competition - REGISTRATION IS CLOSED
Price money
2v2 Breaking, House, Hip Hop, Locking, Popping - 6000 SEK
Showcase - 10000 SEK
Kids All style 1vs1 - Goodie bag
Friday 1st November:
Hip Hop 2vs2, House 2vs2, Locking 2vs2, Popping 2vs2 (Qualifications and Quarter Finals)
Breaking 2vs2 Qualifications, Top 16 and Quarter Finals)
Saturday 2nd November:
Kids All style Battle 1 vs 1
Showcase Competition
Battles 2 vs 2 - Hip Hop, House, Locking , Popping and Breaking (Semi Finals and Finals)
- There is a limit in each category so don’t wait to sign up. Each category closes when it's full
A dancer can register in several categories. All dancers need to buy a Contestant Ticket Friday (100SEK) after you sign up. A dancer that competes in several categories during Friday only needs ONE Contestant Ticket.
The dancers that go through from Friday (Hip Hop, Locking, Popping, House and Breaking) will have free entrance on Saturday. The competing dancers that don’t go through to Saturday can buy a ticket (100 SEK) at the door.
Dancers that participate in the categories Kids All Style 1vs1 and Showcase of the year that have preselection on Saturday need to buy the Contestant Ticket Saturday in advance. If you would like to come on Friday as well as an audience you need to buy an Audience ticket (100 SEK)
There is a limit in each category so don’t wait to sign up!
Friday November 1st: Prelims and quarter finals
Saturday November 2nd: Semi finals and finals
13:00 Check in and registration
All contestants need to check in at the venue. If you haven't checked you will lose your spot in the battle.
The contest is run as a 2 vs 2 battle in Hip Hop, House, Popping, Locking, House.
For the battle styles the competition will be run in two parts: Pre-selections (1 min. Showcase per pair) Battles (8 best pairs in each style from the pre-selections – 1/4 final battles, 1/2 final battles and final battle). Each dancer has one max. 1 min. run per battle in the 1/4 finals and 1/2 finals. Two runs (max. 1 min.) per battle in the final. Pre - selections will be run in parallel and the main judge for each category will alone judge the selection for their category.
Age: No limitations/restrictions regarding dancers’ age.
Register in advance to secure your spot.
A dancer may attend in several categories.
Registration fee: 100sek/dancer (The dancers that go through from Friday will have free entrance on Saturday) The competing dancers that don’t go through to Saturday can buy tickets for Saturday at the door 100SEK.
13:00 Check in and registration
All contestants need to check in at the venue. If you haven't checked you will lose your spot in the battle.
The contest is run as a 2 vs 2 battle. Battle-preselection (1 min. per dancer (16 best pairs in each style from the pre-selections meets in 1/8 final battles, 1/4 final battles, 1/2 final battles and final battle). Each dancer has one max. 1 min. run per battle in the 1/8, 1/4 finals and 1/2 finals. Two runs (max. 1 min.) per battle in the final
Age: No limitations/restrictions regarding dancers’ age.
Register in advance to secure your spot.
A dancer may attend in several categories.
Registration fee: 100sek/dancer (The dancers that go through from Friday will have free entrance on Saturday) The competing dancers that don’t go through to Saturday can buy tickets for Saturday at the door 100SEK.
Prelims on Saturday November 2nd
13:00 Check in and registration
All contestants need to check in at the venue. If you haven't checked you will lose your spot
in the battle.
Competitors must be between 8 and 14 years old. If the dancer has turned 15 years old, you will not be able to attend this battle. Preselections will be held, and the top 8 dancers will proceed to the quarter final. A dancer may attend in other categories during the event.
Age: 8-14 years old
Register in advance to secure your spot.
Registration fee: 100sek/dancer
Prelims on Saturday November 2nd
08:00-10:00 Check in and registration
09:00-11:30 Sound check/staging
14:00-15.00 Qualification Showcase Competition
When registration is closed all groups will be updated with time for get in and soundcheck.
Registration closes October 21th or when the category is full.
The groups will perform their showcase on Saturday. The top 3 groups go on to the finals, held in the evening, where they will re-perform their shows.
Styles: Dances within the street dance genre.
Time: The show are not allowed to be more than 4 minutes long
Amount of dancers: The crew has to consist of 2 or more people
Age: The majority of dancers must be 12 years or older.
Stage: 6m x 6M
All groups will have 15 min for staging.
Props allowed: The crew are responsible to bring the props on and off the stage themself.
Water and pyrotechnics are not allowed. If you are in doubt or have questions regarding props
contact the Hip Hop Weekend Crew.
Prize money: 10000 SEK
Registration fee: 100sek/dancer. All competing dancers in the crew need a contestant ticket.
The shows will be judged based on the criteria: originality, musicality, overall impression and
stage presence.
There will only be time for a short staging per crew at the sound check.
You will get the exact time schedule and order when the registration is closed.
Buying your tickets
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sign up form
This is a short description of the signup form.