27/10-2/11 2025 MALMÖ SWEDEN

Workshop - Johanna Fröjd
Date: Thursday 6 February
Time: 18.00-19.30
Location: Danscentrum Syd, Bergsgatan 29, Malmö
Price: SEK 50.
Get your TICKET here
Johanna Fröjd
Johanna Fröjd is a dance artist based in Stockholm. She is primarily inspired by house culture with its social and cultural context and aspects. She explores this in various settings such as on stage, at clubs, jams, and battles. With her roots in this tradition, the past few years have focused on exploring experiences within the repetitive state of the pulse, as well as freestyle in music and dance. Through vibration, pulse, and rhythm, she seeks participation, creativity, and communication.
The workshop is open level, meaning all levels are welcome. However, it may not be suitable for complete beginners, so we recommend some previous dance experience to get the most out of the workshop. Not necessarily in the same style as the workshop.
Bring indoor shoes, or it’s also fine to dance in socks.
Iver Open Dance Practice
After the workshop, you are welcome to participate in IODP, an open dance practice for all ages.
Time: 19.30-21.30. Malmö Kulturskola, Friisgatan 15b.
One week of dance, clubs, workshops, exhibitions, movies and celebration. The events are spread across our city. You can buy a full week pass, a one day pass, or just a ticket for one event. We’ll see you soon. Tickets available soon.
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